Sunday, April 17, 2011

Maung Maung Tinn - Water Colour Paintings - 16


I was born in a small village in Burma’s green forests and high, blue mountains. Poverty became my friend early in life. I would watch over my cows, the heavy rain muffling the sound of their clappers. I had a bamboo hut for shelter, but no shoes for my feet. My feet hurt from walking miles on stones. Though I worked all the time, my income was never enough to support my family. So, we left our country to live in Thailand. Being an illegal person made it very difficult to get work. Soon I realised that I would never save enough to return home. Now I am old and have many grandchildren. My family and I live as strangers in a foreign land. I am still poor. My heart, my lungs, my body are all worn out. I am tired. By MMT


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